This is the USA, and we have a day celebrating nearly everything, including Peanut Butter Fudge. So in honor of National Peanut Butter Fudge Day, here is a great recipe and the story of how it came to be a family favorite back in 1986.
That autumn, John’s paternal grandmother traveled with John, myself, Robby and Brian, who were then 4 and 1½ years old, from Ohio to South Dakota. Needless to say, there were many roadside stops. Since I love to bake, a variety of homemade yummies traveled with us to be enjoyed in the car and at many a rest stop, where the kids could munch and romp with abandon.
It was an ideal road trip with Grandma riding between her two great grandchildren, alternating singing and clapping to country tunes with napping, then noshing, through the sunshine-speckled beauty of the Midwest’s changing colors. Grandma particularly enjoyed the pecan penuche fudge and butterscotch chip oatmeal cookies.
When we returned to Ohio, after leaving Grandma in her cozy Winner, South Dakota, apartment, there was this recipe awaiting us with a note that she thought this was a recipe that she would enjoy eating the next time we were together. It was the perfect welcome home gift.
Our favorite pairing with a sampling of PB Fudge, is Eagle Ridge’s Mad Cait Dessert Wine made from Pinot Grigio grapes. Delicious!
About the Author: Judi never does anything short, be it children (even at 5' 10", all 3 kids outgrew her), a voicemail message, a menu for family & friends, a day of visiting wineries, or a wine pour. Especially the latter; wine glasses are large for a reason! Her daughter-in-laws and their friends have a measure called The Judi-Pour. That means we have blessedly good relationships, 'cuz her name could be attached to worse. Sparkling wines are my go-to, but there is always a time for a peppery Pinot Noir or a crisp Pinot Grigio. Or a chill Sauvignon Blanc poolside or a toasty Cab in hand while playing bocce or a frizzante after work or.....