Vino Noceto Winery
Quick, name the winery that aspires to be the “California’s Sangiovese Specialist.” Hint: this winery is in the Shenandoah Valley and features an enormous dog’s head in the lawn. Did you guess Vino Nocento?
Quick, name the winery that aspires to be the “California’s Sangiovese Specialist.” Hint: this winery is in the Shenandoah Valley and features an enormous dog’s head in the lawn. Did you guess Vino Nocento?
Pluck a classic winery from a Napa picturebook and place it in the Shenandoah Valley and you would end up with something that looks a lot like Turley Wine Cellars. It is not a coincidence in this case. Turley Wine Cellars has its roots deep in Napa.
Not every winery name rolls off the tongue as easily as its wine. Case in point: the Dobra Zemlja Winery. Full bodied wines made in a bucolic setting. If only I could pronounce their name!
Not all wineries in the Shenandoah Valley of Amador County are actually in the valley. Perched atop a ridge with a commanding view of said valley, plus some amazing car-casses (you’ll understand in a bit) to inspect, Driven Cellars excites on many levels.
It is well known that growing grapes is a dangerous business. At first, everything seems fine, with happy winemakers buying your grapes and leaving you in peace. Slowly, though, the urge creeps up, “maybe I can make wine, too!” That’s the moment when peaceful agriculture transforms into the often crazy world of wine making. Case in point: Bray Vineyards. Luckily for all of us wine drinkers, they are thriving in the winemaking world, so we can all enjoy the delicious fruits of their labors!
Hello? Hello? Can you hear me now? Or, in this case, can you taste me now? In a triumph of transition, success in the highly technical communications field was transformed into success in the highly creative winemaking field. Our visit to Amador County kicked off with a visit to the success story that is Wilderotter Vineyard.
Over 100 years ago, a Frenchman showed his wife such an amazing view of Napa that she exclaimed, “beau lieu!” and a winemaking icon was born. All these years later, Beaulieu Vineyard, or BV as everyone calls it, continues to make a broad array of wines that are enjoyed worldwide.
Can you believe that rocket science can result in fine wine? Zero defects. so necessary when engineering rockets, can make a difference when making wine, too. Add in a dash of artistry, and results can be remarkable. This unusual hybrid of backgrounds and approaches came together to form ZD Winery. Blast off!
Combine ideal Napa winegrowing conditions, a multi-generational commitment to producing fine wines, and some Jeffersonian architecture and what do you get? Monticello Vineyards, of course!
The Napa Valley wine region is awash with picturesque wineries. A beautiful setting and intriguing backstory has become merely the price of entry for a new winery. To rise above the noise – to catch the eye of the discerning wine taster – that requires something that is truly special. When we arrived at the Andretti Winery, we knew that we had discovered something exceptional!
Art and wine naturally pair well. There is certainly art in the creation of wine, and more than a bit of wine in the creation of most art. So it only seems appropriate that wineries offer the opportunity to create art WHILE enjoying some fine wine. One such opportunity is just around the corner!