Las Positas Vineyards Pairs Cab and Popcorn

Las Positas Vineyards Pairs Cab and Popcorn

During these challenging times of sheltering in place, one bright spot is “Netflix and chill.” We recently got to raise our Netflix game even more with a Cabernet Sauvignon and popcorn pairing from Las Positas Vineyards!

We have enjoyed quite a number of creative wine and food pairings at Las Positas Vineyards, enjoying truffles, bacon, and even cheesecake. We thought that Covid would put a stop to this pairing joy, so imagine our joy when Wine Ambassador Andrew reached out to tell us about their Cab and Popcorn at-home pairing! The following weekend we dropped by the winery to pick up our pairing pack.

Chef and AGM Curt walked me through their no-contact pickup process and brought me up to date on the winery’s recent outdoor food and wine events. During the brief time window when the public health officials permitted outdoor winetasting (when offered with food), LPV enjoyed a great response from their customers. Sadly, the county soon returned to curb-side pickup only. This Cab and Popcorn pairing was Curt’s way to keep in touch with customers while keeping everyone safe. We left the winery safely, and looking forward to this unique pairing.

Lpv Cab LabelThe following evening we got down to business. After starting the next episode of “The Crown” we popped open the Las Positas Vineyards 2014 Cabernet Sauvignon. What a treat to explore some new wine! It has been far too long without visiting wineries and taking home new wine. We excitedly swirled the Cab in our wine glasses and appreciated the cedar and dark plum aromas. The taste continued the plum theme, adding in notes of cherry. This was definitely a whole mouth experience! Clarity of flavor ruled the day, with a lingering cherry finish bearing a lovely balance of tannin and acid. All in all, a gentle hug to the tongue.

Lpv PopcornNext it was time to check out the popcorn. This was no boring, standard popcorn at all! It was a special grape and cherry flavored popcorn, specifically selected by Curt to pair with this Cab. From the first taste, it took me back to my childhood favorite snack candy: SweeTarts. Judi was reminded of eating dry powdered Jello. In both cases, the swift transition from fruity-sweet to puckery sour was a happy surprise. The popcorn finished each bite with a slightly peppery finish.

Pairing the Cab and popcorn was a real treat! After munching on a handful of popcorn, the Cab blazed a trail down the center of the tongue, leading with bright cherry notes and showing new hints of tree-ripened Granny Smith apples. A walk through an apple orchard, compressed into a sip of wine. We happily sipped and crunched, crunched and sipped, and binged our way through quite a number of episodes of “The Crown.” We were glad that our refreshments were faring a lot better than the Queen’s family on the screen!

So once again, Curt managed to put together a creative and surprising pairing! One outcome for us: we ordered another six bottles of this wonderful Cabernet Sauvignon. Curb side pickup, here we come!

About the Author: John grills a mean steak and is always in the market for another wine fridge. Believes that if a winery has more than 10 employees, it's probably too big. Buys wine faster than he drinks it, but who cares?

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