Upcoming Event: Rubino’s Painting in the Vineyard

Upcoming Event: Rubino’s Painting in the Vineyard

Art and wine naturally pair well. There is certainly art in the creation of wine, and more than a bit of wine in the creation of most art. So it only seems appropriate that wineries offer the opportunity to create art WHILE enjoying some fine wine. One such opportunity is just around the corner!

Painting in the vineyard flyer 3The writers at Wine Tasting Bliss are not strangers to the “paint while your drink and drink while you paint” concept. We had a wonderful evening and some of our creations are actually pretty good! It was with great joy that we noticed that Rubino Estates Winery was hosting a “Painting in the Vineyard” event. Another chance to display our prowess (at tasting wine, of course)!

The painting and sipping will take place on the front lawn of the Rubino Estate. Painting instruction will be professionally delivered by the Danville Pinot’s Palette, including all of the essential painting accoutrements, including your canvas, paint, brushes and the all-important apron. Believe me, it is more than a fashion accessory.

Mine won't look quite like this one
Mine won’t look quite like this one

Also included will be some light snacks (creativity requires fuel) and a glass of Rubino wine (creativity also requires a catalyst). Bring your fun attitude, but don’t worry about prior experience with painting. Trust that if I survived this, you will thrive!

The event is Saturday, June 4th. Check-in starts at 2:30 in the Rubino tasting room, with the painting action starting at 3:00. By 5:00 you will have a (shockingly in my case) lovely piece of art to take home.

Tickets are available by phone (925-484-1699) or online. See you there! I’ll be the one with wet paint in unusual places.



About the Author: John grills a mean steak and is always in the market for another wine fridge. Believes that if a winery has more than 10 employees, it's probably too big. Buys wine faster than he drinks it, but who cares?

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